gina young (she/they) is an award-winning writer, director, songwriter, performer, and curator based in los angeles. they have worked nationally and internationally, from The Hammer Museum, MOCA, and REDCAT to punk clubs and gay bars across the US and Europe.
gina's interests include creating queer space, interlacing music, movement and text in new ways, and queering content and form. she is the creator of SORORITY and Feminist Acting Class.
I am a winner of the Humanitas/PLAY LA Prize, The Jane Chambers Award for Playwriting and a two-time Finalist for Center Theatre Group's Sherwood Award for boundary-pushing theatre artists. My debut screenplay starring A League of Their Own's Roberta Colindrez and directed by Broadway's Whitney White is a winner and finalist at film festivals worldwide. I welcome commission inquiries anytime.
I founded Feminist Acting Class as a series of experiments to see if the form and content of an acting class can both be made feminist. It has been presented everywhere from the Association for Theatre in Higher Education Conference to Directors Lab West. I teach classes in LA and online, and lecture at universities nationwide. I also offer private acting and career coaching.

Active in the lesbian + queer nightlife scene for over 20 years, I currently throw a party called SPORTS BRA in Los Angeles, and curate live performance salons under the name SORORITY, a Los Angeles cult fave that has been presented by venues including the Hammer Museum, the Annenberg Community Beach House, and the Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA).
oct 31 at bar franca
DIVORCE is back for an unforgettable halloween night with DJ couples therapy (sorrell scrutton and gina young), DJ sarita linda, tattoos, drink specials, go go dancers, and more! come meet your next wife at the queer party the LA Times called "rowdy"... we promise she won't GHOST you!
nov 2 at the lgbt center
SORORITY explores aging, eras, age gaps, the passage of time, what things were like when we were younger, and what things are like as we get older, with new solo performance, theatre, movement and more from gina young featuring sara ann buccolo, vanessa craig, tessa albertson, lauren peterson, allison keating, xan churchwell, cayla mae simpson, and more!